.....well once upon a time, Darla & Aaron were born in a town not so far away...Stockton, California. We grew up attending the same church and catechism classes, and we ran in adjacent social circles at different High Schools......we have always sort of known each other.
Once High School was behind us, we began dating, growing into young adults, together. In 1995, we decided to move to Las Vegas. I started my career in the Hospitality Design field, and this same year, Aaron decided to move back to Northern California to pursue his own goals.
While we developed and lived our own, separate lives, over the years we would come back in touch every now and then, running into family members or mutual friends...always happy to hear how the other was thriving.
In 2020, the world changed, and Aaron decided a move back to Las Vegas was in the cards for him. We reconnected and we haven't been apart since.
At one time in our lives we became young adults together; now we look forward to growing old together.